InterBox is an interactive art installation that explores the perception of self-image through a heterotopic mirror interface across different temporalities. Inspired by Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopia, the installation features a webcam inside an acrylic box mounted on a stand. Spectators can open and rotate the box, revealing a transformed self-portrait through real-time image processing.
A Superposition of Inside and Outside
As spectators look into the box, the webcam captures their image in real time. Simultaneously, they see themselves projected in the exhibition space—a reconstructed self-image that visualizes the passage of time. This dual perspective blurs the boundary between observer and observed, immersing the experiencer in a layered, shifting perception of self.

Concept & Interaction Design|Wan-Ting Tseng, Wei-Fang Chang, Jia-Wen Foo, Ting-Kai Chen
Software Integration| Wei-Fang Chang, Jia-Wen Foo
Visual Programming |Wei-Fang Chang
Hardware Design|Wan-Ting Tseng, Wei-Fang Chang